A College Student's Guide to Black Friday
They say money can’t buy happiness but it sure can buy you joy—joy in the form of Black Friday Deals! As college students, we know the importance and struggle of saving money, and there is no better time to get your money’s worth than during Black Friday and Cyber Monday. But with all of those great deals also comes the stress and confusion of finding the top deals for everything on your wish list. It can be a struggle to comb through the various posts and announcements about all of the sales happening without getting drawn into buying things you don’t need or want; so, as always, we are here to help.
Whether you are hoping to bag some necessities or splurge on something a bit pricier, we want you to have a successful day of Black Friday shopping. Below we have highlighted some of the best deals that are coming up with this Friday and throughout the next week. The deals presented are things we believe every college student needs or wants, and they also include special discounts for college students.
Amazon Deals
Best Buy Deals
Macys Deals
Target Deals
Staples Deals
Clothes Deals
One shopping tip we want to leave you with is always remember to take a moment and ask yourself: “Do I really need or want this?” We know the excitement of spending money and treating ourselves since we work hard as college students, and we've all been led astray by a tempting 70% off tag. There are certain things you simply need and deserve, but remember that as much fun as materialistic things are, they can only bring you so much joy. Happiness comes from within and through self-love and the love of others. We shouldn’t forget to take a moment and be thankful for the things we have and the people in our life. Happy Thanksgiving everyone (and happy shopping)!